I am a high sensory coach with a passion for helping people heal attachment-based wounding through individual and group coaching. My coaching focuses on belief systems, limiting stories, needs, emotions, boundaries, and communication.
I am a certified Gibson Integrated Attachment Theory Coach, High-Sensory trained Coach, Svaroopa yoga certified instructor, Reiki Master and child behavior specialist. I am fascinated by the link between childhood wounding and behaviors. It is my mission to help people understand their own behaviors so that they can cultivate inner peace and healthy relationships.

Parts of me that have helped in my own understanding are:
HSP: A highly sensitive person (or high sensory person) is a neurodivergent individual who is thought to have an increased or deeper central nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional, or social stimuli. Some refer to this as having high sensory processing or sensory processing sensitivity. Being highly sensitive allows a deep understanding of what a person may be experiencing and allows me to process multiple layers of information intuitively and simultaneously.
Empathy (empath): I believe that all humans are naturally empathic and that understanding this way of intuiting information is vital for our personal and collective growth. This capacity allows us to experience the energy around us, including emotions and physical sensations, in extremely deep ways.
Myers-Briggs: INFP (The Mediator) "INFP's want to make the world a better place and are interested in how they can best help others. They also strive to gain a greater understanding of themselves and how they fit into the world. People with this personality type spend a lot of time exploring their own purpose in life and thinking about how they can use their skills and talents to best serve humanity."
Enneagram Type Four (The Individualist): "Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity."